RNDDH can be described in terms of two separate but equally important groups: the Port-au-Prince central office staff and the local departmental network staff and volunteers.

The RNDDH central office staff is organized into 12 working-groups, or commissions, with staff members taking part in four commissions on average. The commissions are divided according to the following themes: the Human Rights Indicator, RNDDH’s quarterly newsletter; human rights education for the Haitian National Police (PNH); human rights education and training for grassroots organizations; Education Plus, human rights workshops for schools; RNDDH network development; gender issues in Haiti; minors in conflict with the law; prison monitoring; Haitian National Police (PNH) monitoring; monitoring of the judicial system; monitoring of  economic, social and cultural rights; and RNDDH database development and training.

RNDDH established this system of organization in order to maximize knowledge sharing and collaboration. Each commission is chaired by one member of the RNDDH management staff, yet each staff member is equally implicated and responsible for the work and progress accomplished by the commissions.

RNDDH is also comprised of its local, departmental human rights networks. The local human rights networks consist of individuals who have successfully completed RNDDH’s human rights training series and who are committed to bringing about a culture of human rights in their local communities.