January 12, 2021: Spotlight on living conditions in accommodation camps and relocation sites

On January 12, 2010 a devastating earthquake devastated several cities of the country, including the departments of West, South East and Nippes, causing the death of two hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and seventeen (222,517) people, the disappearance of three hundred thousand (300,000) and causing immeasurable financial damage. Eleven (11) years later, the indelible…

Reflections of the RNDDH on the decrees creating the ANI and organizing the strengthening of public security in Haiti

From January to December 2020, the MOÏSE / JOUTHE administration adopted thirty-eight (38) decrees on such diverse and unexpected subjects as: the professional lease (May 11, 2020), the regulation of leasing operations (May 12, 2020), the reform of matrimonial property regimes (May 13, 2020), security law (May 14, 2020), the Haitian Penal Code (June 24,…

Theft of the corpus delicti and exhibits at the courthouse of Port-au-Prince: The RNDDH requires a thorough investigation and conviction of the culprits

In recent years, several cases of disappearance of the corpus delicti, of exhibits and even of personal belongings seized or confiscated by the judicial police and transmitted to the authorities of the Justice, were registered in the court of first instance of Port-au-Prince. However, the attention of the National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) was…

Preparation for the Reintegration of Inmates: Diagnosis and Recommendations

From January to October 2020, the National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) and its regional structures monitored the general functioning of detention centers throughout the country. And, during the month of October 2020, a specific study was carried out on the activities implemented in prison to help the social reintegration of ex-prisoners. Today, the RNDDH…

Cérémonie d’Hommage au Professeur Me Monferrier DORVAL – Intervention de Marie Rosy Kesner AUGUSTE DUCENA

Crimes d’Etat, Assassinats, exécutions sommaires, viols, vols, courses-poursuites dans les rues au grand jour, gangstérisation du pays, gangstérisation des institutions étatiques, enlèvements suivis de séquestration contre rançon : voilà depuis quelques années, le quotidien de tous les haïtiens et haïtiennes. Voilà ce à quoi nous sommes réduits…

Requête relative au refus de la prestation de serment des membres du CEP.

Les Organisations de promotion et de défense des droits humains signataires de la présente lettre vous présentent leurs compliments et portent à votre attention ce qui suit: Par arrêté présidentiel en date du vendredi 17 septembre 2020, l’administratioin Moïse/Jouthe a créé un Conseil Electoral Provisoire (CE) avec pour mission de : 1) organiser un référendum…