State of siege and systematic violation of the civil and political rights of the population: RNDDH demands compliance with the Haitian Constitution

For some time, illegal and arbitrary acts have been perpetrated in the country by individuals in the payroll of the now former President of the Republic of Haiti, Jovenel MOÏSE, with the obvious objective of sowing terror among the Haitian population and establishing the state of siege.

January 12, 2021: Spotlight on living conditions in accommodation camps and relocation sites

On January 12, 2010 a devastating earthquake devastated several cities of the country, including the departments of West, South East and Nippes, causing the death of two hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and seventeen (222,517) people, the disappearance of three hundred thousand (300,000) and causing immeasurable financial damage. Eleven (11) years later, the indelible…

Cérémonie d’Hommage au Professeur Me Monferrier DORVAL – Intervention de Marie Rosy Kesner AUGUSTE DUCENA

Crimes d’Etat, Assassinats, exécutions sommaires, viols, vols, courses-poursuites dans les rues au grand jour, gangstérisation du pays, gangstérisation des institutions étatiques, enlèvements suivis de séquestration contre rançon : voilà depuis quelques années, le quotidien de tous les haïtiens et haïtiennes. Voilà ce à quoi nous sommes réduits…