Poverty, insecurity, poor sanitation, overcrowding, and exposure to contagious diseases: The general living conditions in the reception sites are alarming

On January 12, 2010, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck several communes in the departments of the West, Southeast, and Nippes, resulting in the deaths of 222,517 people and the disappearance of 300,000 others. The material losses were also immense. Hundreds of thousands of homes collapsed, forcing the population to take refuge in the streets, public…

Appareil judiciaire et Centres de détention en Haïti : Une Justice affaiblie, des résultats invisibles et la violation systématique des garanties judiciaires des détenus.es

L’année judiciaire 2023-2024 a été rudement frappée par l’insécurité et la crise sociopolitique en cours qui aggravent le dysfonctionnement de la Justice haïtienne depuis quelque temps : des juridictions de première instance n’ont réalisé aucune audience criminelle, des infrastructures judiciaires ont été attaquées par les bandits armés et d’autres ont dû fermer leurs portes en raison…

Murders, Rapes, Looting, and Arson in Carrefour and Gressier Under the Indifferent Gaze of the New State Authorities

For several months, the violent acts recorded in the communes of Carrefour and Gressier have captured the attention of the Haitian population. This situation, which has been brewing since 2021 and worsened in 2023 and 2024, has had enormous consequences on the lives of those living in the aforementioned communes in particular, and in the…

Carrefour-Feuilles, Cité Soleil and Bel-Air : areas plagued by recurring armed violence and a population destroyed but forgotten

For several years now, the Haitian population’s rights to life, security, physical and psychological integrity, freedom of movement and private property have been violated. These systematic and massive violations take the form, among other things, of massacres and armed attacks, the immediate consequences of which are the reconfiguration of territorial space and the acceptance of…

14 years after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 : The victims of the earthquake and insecurity are living side by side in the camps, while the state authorities remain indifferent.

On January 12, 2010, an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale struck several municipalities in the departments of West, South-East and Nippes, causing enormous human and material losses. The population, devastated by this cataclysm, took refuge en masse in the streets, public places, churches and schools, as well as on empty lots, forming shelter…

Fonctionnement de l’appareil judiciaire haïtien au cours de l’année 2022-2023.

Au cours de l’année judiciaire 2022-2023 qui vient de s’écouler, de nombreux faits ont marqué l’actualité judiciaire et dès le début, plusieurs chefs de juridiction s’étaient engagés à réaliser sur une base continue, des assises criminelles avec assistance de jury, des audiences criminelles sans assistance de jury ainsi que des audiences correctionnelles, dans l’objectif de…