Attacks on deprived neighborhoods: The RNDDH demands the end of the protection of armed gangs by the authorities in power

From May 23 to 27, 2020, automatic weapons were fired continuously in several underprivileged areas of Port-au-Prince including Pont Rouge, Chancerelles, Wharf Jérémie, Fort Dimanche, La Saline and Nan Tokyo. Several kilometers away, smoke was also seen, and the tension in these areas was palpable…

COVID-19: Etat d’urgence mondial limité par les Droits Humains

De sa découverte en Chine continentale en décembre 2019 à sa propagation dans le Monde, la pandémie COVID-19, fléau mondial auquel l’humanité est confrontée, fait quotidiennement des milliers de victimes. Selon les dernières statistiques datant du 7 avril 2020, près de 76’000 personnes sont décédés et plus d’1.3 million testées positives1. Les États-Unis d’Amérique sont…

The RNDDH and the SOFA present their report on the mutiny followed by the collective rape of detainees at the Gonaïves civil Prison

The National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH) and the Haitian Women’s Solidarity (SOFA), two (2) member organizations of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) have learned with consternation the events occurred at the Gonaives civil prison on November 7, 2019 where an attempted escape followed by gang rape of female prisoners…