Another Test Post (FR)

From now on you should only see posts appear on the homepage from the following categories: Publications (and its following children): Media & Press Releases Reports & Newsletters Special Investigations This is yet another post assigned to the child-category of “Publications” called “Reports & Newsletters” When a visitor clicks on “Publications”, *all* posts in the…

Le RNDDH tire la sonnette d’alarme sur la dégradation de la situation sécuritaire du pays (Mars 2012)

Le Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH) est profondément préoccupé par la recrudescence dans le pays, particulièrement dans la  zone métropolitaine, des actes d’insécurité et de violence organisée, à un moment où les autorités haïtiennes parlent de l’établissement d’un Etat de droit en Haïti. En effet, depuis plusieurs mois, le RNDDH constate que…

More Translations Coming Soon…

As our widest written audience is French-speaking, at present some RNDDH publications are translated into English and Kreyol following the original publication date. While we are working at a more inclusive approach to communication, and the publication of all reports, press releases, and investigative summaries in Kreyol, French and English, please visit the French site…

Special Investigations Posts

Posts assigned to this section of the publications archives  are called “Special Investigations”, as they are the summary of findings and observations resulting from RNDDH’s response on the ground, to a current event. Often a research delegation is sent out comprised of staff from both the head office in Port au Prince and the network…