What Do You Learn in “Human Rights 101” ?

First cycle (Basic Session): 1.       Introduction to Human Rights This topic helps participants master the concept of “Human Rights” throughout history, to understand its development, its importance, and to differentiate a human rights violation from an offense.   2. Gender Issues / Women’s rights    This module allows participants to have a different perception of women,…

What Do You Learn in “Human Rights 201” ?

Second cycle (Monitoring session) 1. Alternative Resolution of Conflicts in nonviolence   This topic helps participants master methods and techniques which will help addressing in nonviolence some conflicts, disputes or quarrel occurred between two people or two groups of people   2- Haitian judicial system   This topic helps participants understand the Haitian judicial system,…

Le RNDDH tire la sonnette d’alarme sur la dégradation de la situation sécuritaire du pays (Mars 2012)

Le Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH) est profondément préoccupé par la recrudescence dans le pays, particulièrement dans la  zone métropolitaine, des actes d’insécurité et de violence organisée, à un moment où les autorités haïtiennes parlent de l’établissement d’un Etat de droit en Haïti. En effet, depuis plusieurs mois, le RNDDH constate que…

RNDDH is raising the alarm about the deteriorating security situation (Mar 2012)

The National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) is deeply concerned about fresh upsurge in the country, particularly in the metropolitan area, acts of insecurity and organized violence, at a time when the Haitian authorities are speaking of establishing a rule of law in Haiti. Indeed, for several months, RNDDH notes that the Haitian population is…

More Translations Coming Soon…

As our widest written audience is French-speaking, at present some RNDDH publications are translated into English and Kreyol following the original publication date. While we are working at a more inclusive approach to communication, and the publication of all reports, press releases, and investigative summaries in Kreyol, French and English, please visit the French site…

Special Investigations Posts

Posts assigned to this section of the publications archives  are called “Special Investigations”, as they are the summary of findings and observations resulting from RNDDH’s response on the ground, to a current event. Often a research delegation is sent out comprised of staff from both the head office in Port au Prince and the network…